Happy International Albariño Day

Happy International Albariño Day

International Albarino Day with Albarino Wine

Albariño Day is an annual celebration held on August 1st. It originated from a contest between two individuals, Bernardo Quintanilla and Ernesto Zàrate, to determine the best wine in 1952. The following year, Albariño Day was established to celebrate this delicious wine. The celebration coincides with the Fiesta del Albariño, one of the most significant party events in the Galician party calendar, held in Cambados, a coastal city in the heart of Rias Baixas, Spain. Albariño is a type of white wine made from the Albariño grape, which is grown not only in Spain but also in several other countries. This celebration is an opportunity to appreciate the rich cultural history of the Galicia region and other Albariño-producing countries.
